Thursday, December 4, 2008

CD Purchases

Well i just bought my first new CD in a while (physical form). it was Rise Against's Appeal to Reason album. Now I love rise against and have been following them since their revolutions per minute album. I'm not all about their PETA ties and vegi/anti meat thing. Or their political stance. I just dig their music. I looked on the back of this album and saw the one thing that made me really want to hear it, "Mixed by Chris Lord Alge" To top that off This was the easiest album to open that i've ever bought! and its the coolest case ever. This isn't your average Jewell case. This is all plastic thats flexible. Its awesome! no more cracks in the cases, no more struggling to get that top sticker off. Its great!

Now i'm stuck listening to this and from what i've heard (the first 4 songs) I'm liking this alot! Trying to find my new favorite song from them that will beat out "paper wings" but I haven't yet.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

PA Equipment, why the tight budget?

Why does it seem that everyone skimps on the PA system for their band? The budget is small compared to the rest of the gear they haul around. Everyone likes to spend money on their own gear and dreaming over gear. examples:

-Sound dudes like to stay up to date on all the new sound boards, and digital stuff that makes our life really fun and we can make you sound like a chipmunk or swimming in a fishbowl in 2 seconds!

-Guitarists likes to keep up to date on the newest pieces of equipment or setup's of guitar players of days gone by.

-Drummers have their thing with accumulating as many things to wack and bludgeon to death around them with 2B's (Don't deny this! I know for a fact as I have a Yamaha power special 6 piece sitting in the basement at this moment)

-Base players.... ok you might be the exception. You really like to radiate your sound, and know how to play that one song from primus, or sublime... you know what I'm sayin'. You also have a killer punch that you've spent hours tweaking your rig for.

-Lead singers, well.... you like to scope out the chicks and stay on top of the latest eye candy... Sorry, I got nothing on you... :-D

So the point I'm trying to come across is your gear. How much have you spent on that guitar rig?

Lets do some math. I'll use the favorite Banjo Center for pricing (REMEMBER SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL STORES!)

Fender Telecaster: $999

Marshall JCM800 W/Half stack: $2,499

Lets add 200 bucks in there for your cables, tuner stomp box, and some other small thingies.

You've now spent $3,698 on your guitar rig.

Drummers, lets think about you.

Yamaha Stage Custom -Birch: $999

Zildjian Cymbal Pack: $694.95

Yamaha Drum Throne: $99

Lets throw in 200 bucks for those weather king heads or that EMAD head along with some rockin' 2B's or my personal favorite; ProMark MilleniumII's in the 5B size.

Drummers you're at $1,992.95

Bass players you're next!

Fender P Base: $1,099.99

Ampeg 4x10 with amp: $864.48

Lets throw in 200 bucks for random stuff like anyone else

Bassist you're at $2,164.47

Singers your next now.

Shure SM58 Microphone: $99

Singers you're cheap at $99 bucks (kind of a joke if you get it ;-D)

Lets add this 4 piece band up. We now have spent $7,954.42

So thats almost $8,000 in gear. Now I pose the question.

How much have you budgeted for your PA system? Do you really think that you will be able to get a PA system for less than $8,000 that will reproduce the sound that all of this great gear makes? Does that $2,000 PA system on sticks look like a good idea anymore? You know that one with two speakers with single 15's and a horn up on stands and an 8 channel board?

Food for thought. I'll elaborate on a cost effective system in another post.

/end transmission

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Lack of Communication

Why in this day and age do I not know of every band/event function happening in a town the size of Grand Forks?? I know! NO ONE TALKS TO ANYONE OUTSIDE OF THEIR CIRCLE!!

I'm a sound guy, I'm young I know, but I used to be selling equipment for bands for 5 years, and in the last year I ran into more bands than I did in the previous four. Why is that? Do these bands not understand that Networking is the main thing they need to be working on? Let me give an example.

Lets call our band "Bananasaysno" We're a four piece, Drums, guitar, bass, and vocal. We start practicing and making a set list. We go and see a few bands at some places we'd like to play at (LOOK THIS IS NETWORKING!!) We get to know the band that we went to see, get some idea's from them, and then get introduced to the owner of the place (MORE NETWORKING!!) We then try and get booked. They might give us an off night, or call us up if someone cancels at the last minute, but we're ready! BSN is working hard, We've put together a decent sound, a nice show, Decent PA (consult a sound guy *wink* *wink* for pointers and if you need a direction), and a pretty basic light show.

That first show went great! You nailed it!, the turn out wasn't all that great but you told all your buddies that you were playing! (HEY LOOK NETWORKING!!) and told them to come on out and see you suck it up, er... ROCK OUT! Hey even a member of the band that was suppose to play came out and hopped up on stage to jump in a song, Make sure to give that dude some thanks! They got you the gig pretty much, and you want to be nice to the other local bands, because they'll scratch you're band if you do the same (NETWORKING HERE TOO!!!)

Suddenly you might get a call from another bar, because that same band couldn't do a gig there but they said you guys rocked and to see if you were available! Since you're just starting out you're price is pretty good too (Come on, who expects to be making major $$ when you first start out?) Well now you're on the call list for these two places. you've NETWORKED with the two owners/managers and they know you well. Now comes the extra work that bands SHOULD BE DOING!!

GO OUT TO OTHER BANDS SHOW'S!! Talk to the bands, say hi, tell them they sound good (Even if they don't sound that great... hey maybe the sound guy is having a head cold or something :P ) Don't be anoying, just say Hi, be supportive, be positive. If you can't do a gig at one of your two places recomend them! This is the back scratching again! Now you're on their good list! They should be doing the same!

All this time while you're out rocking out, you should not just play your songs and be anti-social, its all about the NETWORKING!! On break, go out and talk to the people! Ask them what they think, what they would like to hear (anoying sometimes also because honestly who is going to play freebird!?) Get to know their names! Tell them to check out you're website and come out to other shows! YES THATS RIGHT!! BUILD A FAN BASE!!

Six months have gone by now and the first gig place is PACKED because of BANANASAYSNO!!! You're a HUGE draw! You have talked to people, and made a name for yourself... Now comes the fun part. Raise your price! Thats right! You no longer have to deal with the cheap pay of a new band anymore! RAISE THAT PRICE UP! You are the reason the people are there! The reason they are choosing to buy their booze there, and not anywhere else! Why shouldn't you be getting reimbursed for your NETWORKING WORK THAT YOU HAVE DONE!?!?

Sweet, you're now making some good $$ for your time on the weekend nights. So now you just sit back and relax and let the money and calls for gigs flow in right? WRONG! GET OUT AND NETWORK SOME MORE!! Eventually people are going to start getting tired of you, and you'll have fan rollover. (come on, honestly? you remember what you used to like back 10 years ago, do you want to admit it now? I know I don't)

This last step is where most bands fail! Why do you not have a press kit? Make some posters!, carry some around in your car! throw some up at the local BK Lounge, or the BurritoQ Eattery! Help that bar out! They'll feel like they're not getting ripped off then! They like that! To top if off they might start giving you some good deals on your adult beverages that you drink throughout the night!

DON'T FORGET TO GO SEE OTHER BANDS!! EVEN THE NEW GUYS ON THE BLOCK! They are where you once were! They are part of the family. Get them up to speed faster and more people get more money all around! Don't sell yourself cheap... Honestly is that 300 bucks for a night full of work worth it!? Lets do some math.

You get a gig at the last minute but they only pay 400 bucks. ah, what the heck I'm not doing anything else am I?? Why not, lets gather up the dudes and get rocking!

Show starts at 9pm, goes to 2am so thats a good 5 hours of songs, Lets do 4 sets so we have 3 breaks in there. Well if its out of town, we'll have to load up our gear if it isn't already loaded. We'll say we leave it in a trailer to make it easier. We better meet up at the singers house at at 6 to get going because the drive is a 45 minute event but someone forgot to gas up the van after the last gig... so we have to waste 15 minutes to do that. So now we've made it a 8 hour event. But wait! Now we have to load out! Well thats going to take another hour and a half so we're now up to 9.5 hours of skilled labor!! Oh! we have to drive home also!! 10.5 hours of our night we're up to!! Lets do some math now!

10.5 hours x 4 people = 42 hours of time!
400 bucks / 42 hours of time = 9.53 an hour.... Not bad not bad... But wait! We have to pay for gas and insurance on the band vanmobile. along with saving up for those new stage monitors or lights we want! (come on, you have to have a band fund!)

So lets take 50 bucks out for gas. then another 50 for some monitor/lights fund

300/ 42 hours of time = 7.15 and hour rounding up

So now each person is leaving with 75 bucks! Not bad is it!? Wait! You broke a string durring the show didn't you? Oh man you went through a set of drum sticks... Need some more guitar pick's because someone at the show started handing them out to their friends? Dang it. there goes 10 bucks of that!

oh wait! You still need to pay your tab at the bar!! Well lets give them 20 bucks for those beers and a tip!

75-10-20= 45 bucks

45 bucks per person / that 10.5 hours = 4.29 bucks and hour rounded up... Man... this is getting bad!!

But you want to save up for that new piece of gear for your rig also, that new PRS/Tele is calling to you... so you put some money away on that... so lets throw 20 towards that... Man we're losing money all over the place here!

we now have 25 bucks to our 10.5 hours worth of work... that is a lowly 2.38 an hour for your skilled labor!!

Maybe we should add in those hours of practice you put in between the previous gig and that one... you'd be really bad off.... You might as well have stayed home!! I mean after all... isn't your time work more than 2.38 an hour!?

This is the reason why there should be NO BANDS PLAYING FOR 400 BUCKS A NIGHT!!! Heck I've even heard of bands playing 4 nights at a bar for 1000 bucks... do the math... thats 250 bucks a night.... How is that even worth it!?

Ok sure you might do it just because you enjoy it! Hey you want something to do on the weekends! But is that worth your time? Why would you want to be hauling in big heavey gear for 75 bucks at the end of the night? What happens when you get a sound guy? He should earn his pay also, and get an even cut. He should also be there to help drive, pack, and he should be in charge of setting up the PA while your setting up you're rig... now that 4 piece has turned into a 5 piece...

If you are an established band, each person should at least be leaving with 100 bucks at the end of each night! The band fund should be pulling more than 100 a night also. Hey you're getting bigger, and you need to buy that bigger trailer, and that truck/van/suburban is not cheap on gas!

So the next time you get called to do a gig. Do some math! Figure out if its worth your time to play there, or gracefully recomend that new band that came out to see your show that is trying to catch a break. Heck they'll play for 400 bucks to get in the door, and start building...

The best rule of this whole post I guess is, Don't be afriad to ask for what you are worth.

/sign off